Erskine Morris (1913 – 1997)

Erskine Morris (1913 – 1997)

Goals of the Project

I thought I'd share with the readers a little about why I've decided to start this blog and what I hope people will get out of it.

First and foremost, I'm hoping to to help promote a beautiful but disappearing music from a beautiful and little-known corner of our country. I think the fiddle music older Gaspesians is some of the best you'll find and that people from Canada and beyond should have a place where they can come to explore this musical culture.  Documenting the musical culture of Gaspé's English-speaking communities is especially important because their centuries-old culture is in a perilous state of demographic decline.

On a more concrete side, I'm hoping that this site will become a free resource, or even a library of sorts for people who want to know more about this music and culture. However, I really believe that most of the knowledge about this music rests collectively in the memories of our Gaspesien readers who were fortunate enough to have experienced this culture first-hand. For this reason, I really want to encourage them to share their stories, thoughts, and feelings about their music on this site.

Although this site focuses foremost on Erskine Morris' music, we are not exclusive. So, if you have home-made recordings or your relatives from Gaspé or just want to share a story with us please get in touch and we'll try to get it up here in due time.

I hope you enjoy our blog,
